Hey! Guess what!
I've made it almost a whole day without a migraine! I've had a small headache all day but all it has been is an annoyance really, compared to normal. It's 5pm now and I can only just feel it starting to get bad now. That is pretty freakin awesome!! :-D :-D
If you have no idea why having a small headache all day and getting a migraine at 5pm is awesome, then go take a look at this post and this post and this post. It wont take you long to understand.
Seriously, what an awesome day!! I really had forgotten what it is like to spend a day not cringing from every sound and every bit of light. YAY!
I spent about an hour or so this morning working on a website for one of my current assessments, then while Logan took a nap on the sofa I, wait for it.. blasted the music (crazy right?!) and had a major clean up, pausing every now and then to dance my butt off (unfortunately not literally) with the kiddo's (in case you picked up on the whole Logan napping and me blasting the music and vacuuming thing, I thought I should add in here that I am, in fact, not a inconsiderate person as Logan is such a heavy sleeper that he didn't flinch once, in fact, he even sleeps through the smoke alarm - yeah, that's a worry), had lunch with the family and then we did some crafts together.
You can check out these cuties in close-ups here.
This is such an amazing change from every other day. Especially yesterday. Wednesday I went back to the eye specialist and had them tested again. The specialist has decided to change the lenses and so have sent my glasses away to have this done, meaning I'm not far off blind for the next 2-3 weeks.
Yesterday afternoon I was trying to work on my website and having so much trouble between the kids noise (a friends daughter was here for a small play - she is pretty well behaved when she is here, but for some reason, the second she walks through the door, or my kids spot her out the window, my kids just turn into ferrals. Seriously, they do. Loud, Naughty, Psycho Ferrals.), Logan being at work - so unable to help, my head fuzzy from my migraine and pain killers and my eyes fuzzy from lack of glasses. Plus, code is like, a different language, and because I am still learning, I am not yet fluent in it.
Imagine trying to study in a different language while drunk at a party.
Yeah, that.
Anyway, with Zay being whingy because he is hungry and kicking the mouse every few minutes and then pretending it was an accident and starting fights with anyone that looks his way, and Bay not watching what he's doing and knocking the power cord out over and over and Izzy playing with her uncle (noisily I might add), I have completely lost where I was going with this. So I might have to leave it here for today. It must be time to get dinner organized so that the kids can head to bed.
Well I'm glad that I managed to find this chance to share with you my awesome day. A day like this - so very very few and far between - should not go un-noticed!
Thanks for being there my dear readers, because while I have tried to explain to you your worth, I'm sure that you still could not possibly understand.
Sami xx
you sound like it was a good day love you mate pop