0. I love starting at 0 instead of 1.
1. I fell pregnant with my first child at the age of 16, only 2 weeks after her father and I started dating, we are still together now, almost 8 years later.
2. My middle name is Jade.
3. I cry.. a lot.. like, about everything. They aren't always sad tears either.
4. I'm obsessed with organisation but find joy in occasionally throwing the routine out the window.
5. I love singing at the top of my lungs and wish I had the balls to sing in public (like at karaoke nights or something).
6. I have heart 'stuff' and am not supposed to drink alcohol or coffee or energy drinks, but I still drink coffee a few times a week cos it's that good from Zarraffes.
7. I'm a stress head, it's getting worse as I age.
8. I'm obsessed with crazy patterned pants.
9. Storms scare the crap out of me.
10. I love reading.
11. I banned "I can't" from our family's vocabulary's.
12. I have a habit of talking people into paying boardgames with me and then getting bored and wanting to quit 10 minutes into the game.
13. I have a favourite child - It changes constantly.
14. New people are always so sure that they have met me before, or I look like their friend/cousin/boyfriends brothers girlfriend.
15. When I was told I couldn't drink coffee anymore I replaced it with tea, I guess I get addicted to things easily.
16. I can't stand noisy eaters, it makes me SO angry, especially when they eat with their mouths open.
17. I'm allergic to morphine.
18. I have 4 half sisters, 1 half brother and 1 step brother who technically isn't my brother anymore, I only speak to 2 of my sisters and the one bro thats not technically my bro.
19. I have scoliosis.
20. I always want the latest gadget but hate technology with a passion.
21. I love technology as much as I hate it.
22. I am old school when it comes to reading, looking at my book collection cluttering the shelves makes me happy.
23. I'm not interested in watching sports on T.V at all.
24. Logan turned me into a bit of a nerd. I'd never even played XBOX before I met him and now I know how to play warhammer 40k.
25. I love taking photos.
26. I am short. It used to bother me, especially when I was picked on for it throughout primary and high school, now when people mention it I just wonder why the hell they care.
27. I look forward to my children becoming teenagers.
28. I talk in my sleep and my dreams tend to take on the theme of whatever I've watched a lot of recently.
29. I wear glasses and hate them with a passion. They hurt my head and nose. and constantly have smudges.
30. I still hope that I will get married one day, even though Logan always says he doesn't want to. I have my dress and flowers planned.
31. I hate cleaning without music on.
32. I get migraines a lot, like, almost constantly, so I'm pretty out of it from my pain killers 99% of the time.
33. I want to move back to cold, wet Victoria because I miss my friends and family.
34. I want a really big, white, fluffy dog.
35. I'm terrible at saving money - something is always begging to be paid.
36. I want to be a hairdresser, a photographer and an event planner.
37. I've had 2 operations on my spine.
38. I love leopard print.
39. I want to dye my hair hot pink as soon as I become a hairdresser.
40. Cooking makes me feel amazing. It is my therapy.
41. I didn't like chocolate before I met Logan. He was a chocoholic and gave me no choice but to eat it.. I still don't eat it often and when I do I only eat a few bites.
42. I'm seriously scared or magpies and huntsman's. I literally cry when huntsman's make their way into my house. Once Logan had to tell his boss there was an emergency and come home early from work to kill a huntsman for me. Another time I sat on the floor in my son's room and cried until Logan came home 4 hours later and turned the lounge room upside down to find and kill the spider for me.
43. I hate, more than anything, that Logan works night shift.
44. I have always wanted long hair and am in the process of growing it, but it annoys me so I wear it in a bun at the top of my head 99% of the time.
45. I wish I could tie my kids down while they sleep, when they move in the night the noises scare me
46. I wish I had the patients to have one more child.
47. I want to run my own business.
48. I have a foot phobia
49. I have low self esteem but fake high self esteem well.
50. I sleep with my balcony door open because I feel claustrophobic with it shut.
51. I like to go fishing as long as I don't have to touch the fish.
52. I love reading aloud.
53. I honestly don't believe anyone will read this far into my list.
54. I wanted to be a midwife until Logan and our kids told me they don't want me in a job where I would be gone more than not. I was shattered to give up on that dream, but my family come first.
55. I can't drive (or be in a car) with the windows up, it nearly makes me cry.
56. I've never had chicken pox.
57. I always forget about the scar down my back.
58. It makes me angry when random people casually ask me what my scar is from or my tattoo means, like it's their business.
59. My tattoo is exactly the same as my besties tattoo.
60. I took guitar lessons in primary school and played indoor soccer in high school.
61. I wanted a motorbike licence until I had kids, now I feel like I have too much to lose.
62. I hate planes and really don't want to get back on one to go back to VIC.
63. I have never had a speeding ticket or a parking ticket or been pulled over.
64. During my childhood we only moved house once that I remember, since moving out of home 8 years ago I have moved houses 13 times.
65. The first car I bought was a VS
66. I drank pretty much nothing but coke for 7 years, my teeth are suffering from it now.
67. I wish my bed was big enough that I could let my youngest still co-sleep.
68. I scored 95% on my written driving test and 100% on my practical.
69. The only reason it annoys me when males leave the toilet seat up is because I forget to check and fall in.
70. I laughed while typing #69.
71. I love blonde jokes even though I am naturally blonde.
72. I wanted singing lessons when I was a kid and my mum and friends mum said they would organise it but never did. I still wish they did.
73. I never tasted a 'peanut butter and jelly sandwich' until I moved in with Logan, I think it's weird.
74. It does my head in when people don't use grammar.
75. I like to make people laugh.
76. It annoys me when people put the toilet paper on the wrong way (yes, there is a wrong way).
77. I want a lancer.
78. My best friend of 10 years died when I was 14.
79. It annoys me when males wear pants without socks and shoes. Freaks me out really.
80. I'm not usually sexist. I think it's just because men have big feet and I hate feet. See #48.
81. I hate being alone but being in crowded busy places - like shopping centres - stresses me out.
82. When I cry, Logan cuddles me better (and, most of the time, laughs at me), the fact that he comforts me, even if I've cried four times that day already, makes me love him even more.
83. I take, on average, 9,000 steps on weekdays and 3,000 steps on weekends.
84. I believe that having money does, in fact, make people happy. And if it doesn't, then they should try being broke for a while.
85. I don't believe in karma.
86. I hate toilet training.
87. I love walking at night, but not alone.
88. I have completed a Business Diploma and Management Diploma and then got bored again and started on a Website Development Diploma since moving to Queensland 2 1/2 years ago.
89. I dont understand why, when offering money for something, people write the figure rather than say it aloud.
90. I take my youngest on a coffee date every Wednesday.
91. I have a teddy bear named Otis. I cuddle him to sleep.
92. I always get hungry just as I'm about to lay down to sleep.
93. My fave alcoholic drink is a Moist Pussy but I can't find them at any club here in Brisbane. :-(
94. I like Apple more than Windows.
95. I don't like gardening because the garden spiders creep me out and the sun makes my head hurt more.
96. I always wanted a 2 story house but now that I have one I wish I didn't.
97. I taught myself to sew by hand.
98. I swear way too much.
99. When I was 15 I went to the zoo in Adelaide with my family and a friend, a monkey stole my bracelet and then refused to give it back. The sneaky shit.
#100: you have a cousin named Tamara.... hahahaha
ReplyDeleteHaha would you like me to add that fact and rename it '101 random facts about me'? :-P
ReplyDeletejust found this one, I enjoyed it very much, :)
ReplyDeleteSami you are a great mother and I love you dearly as you are my first grand child and I love your blog 0 to 100 xxxxxx