Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Feeling relaxed

Sorry I haven't been around much, I've been so busy lately, and so tired by the time Bay has fallen asleep at night.

I've had such a wonderful day today. I went to the movies with Logan to see Vampire Acadamy this morning, I was a bit shatted that we didn't realise the time when we had breaky because it meant that we were too full for popcorn.. And I loooorve cinema popcorn. 

I have been hanging out to see the movie since I first heard they were making it because I loved the books. At first we thought the movie was going to be a bad one because the acting is pretty bad, Zoey Deutch is such a good actor as far as I'm concerned but the same can't be said for Lucy Fry (maybe it is partly because she isn't what I expected Lissa to be like?). As the movie went on though it got better, we got used to Lucy playing Lissa and by the end I was hanging for the next movie. I hope they make it quickly!

After that we went shopping for new shoes for the boys because they both wore through the soles in their shoes in the same week (found some awesome sales at Kmart! Including a pair of sandels each for $2 a pair - and they are good ones too!), then when I arrived home I found my new iPhone in the mailbox. This was such an amazing feeling because a month or so ago I was walking with the kids and Zay nearly pushed Bay's stroller into a snake on the footpath  and when I reached out and grabbed him my phone smashed on the bridge so I have spend all this time with a very unreliable phone, which is so stressful when the school and daycare can't get in contact with me!

And then tonight the kids were pretty well behaved and Bay was asleep in his own bed by 8:17pm! And I didn't have to go to him once! This is such an amazing thing as he hasn't fallen asleep without getting out of bed at least 3 times, and by 9:30pm in so so so long! 

After such a good day I feel so relaxed! And tomorrow is Bay's day off daycare which I'm excited for! I've been so busy that I haven't planned any fun activities to do yet but I'm sure I will think of something. Him just being there makes me feel better.

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I hope you guys have had a wonderful day too, it is seriously amazing the difference a good day vs. a bad day can make on the way you feel as you climb into bed.

Yours in this crazy world of parenting,

Sami x

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