I made button magnets, aren't they cute?
I painted an old photo frame,
A shelves set for Izzy's room,
And the chairs that go with the kids kitchen. It is more noticeable that the white needs a touch up now. I guess I'll have to get onto that.
I also have a chalkboard in the shed that needs a second coat and many more ideas planned, including thinking about painting Izzy's bed that beautiful purple.. Yay!
Doesn't look like much but that's a lot of coats of paint right there. :-D
And while I've got you here, I'll share the kidlets after school routine as I got a good response last time. I need to review ours as things go a bit different now that I am busier with studies, but here it is where it stands.
I am hoping to print the next one and maybe even laminate it so they kids can use a marker to check off each task as it is completed, but that will depend on if i ever remember to buy coloured ink for the printer. Not likely.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
Goodnight :-)
your one busy girl, love your magnet buttons :)