Movie Night
Last Friday night Izzy had a friend Shae* over. I think I was about as excited as the girls because it was the first time Izzy had invited a child for a sleepover. By the end of the night I was a little bit regretting agreeing to a sleepover on a night when Logan was working. Bay was determined to have Shae's little fan thing and Shae, not having any younger siblings was not used to little ones and didn't understand that he didn't understand not to touch other peoples things. This caused quite a headache (literally) for me. It wasn't so bad after dinner though, the boys headed upstairs to chill on the bed and watch Monsters Ink on one of the laptops, and I made popcorn for the girls as they snuggled up on the sofa bed with a pile of pillows and a few quilts to watch barbie.
Unfortunately Izzy fell asleep around 9pm and poor Shae was really upset. I had a lovely little chat with her and then called her mum to come pick her up.
(I had a lovely little chat with her too, she is such a lovely lady from NZ and, wait for it.. she agreed with me that Queenslander's, at least where we live, are so hard to get to know and befriend haha! Good to know it isn't just me)
Saturday was a quiet day as Logan had to work all day and Izzy went up the road to another friends for a play. Sunday was just as quiet because Shae and her mum picked up Izzy nice and early and kept her until dinner time.
Monday I studied with Logan, Tuesday we went to the cinema to see Vampire Academy and then when I got home my new (to me) iPhone was in the mailbox. Yay!!
Coffee Date
Oh, and because I've not been busy working on assignments I've actually managed to keep the house spotless, more or less. I can't believe it's almost the weekend again!! Time flies when you're having fun!
New Hair
Bay is back in nappies, at home at least. We were getting no where and I don't want to make the same mistake with him that I did with Izzy, so I refuse to push him. They are continuing to encourage him to use the toilet at daycare, but I am going to give him for a break for a few weeks and see how he goes then.
Tomorrow I'm heading back into the College with Logan. After such a relaxing, fun week, it's time to buckle down and get my assignments done! I have to admit, I am really nervous about it. My migraines have been so bad lately, every day this week my head has been thumping before 9am. I'm not exactly looking forward to sitting at the college in front of a computer for hours a day with a migraine! I meant to make a doctors appointment this week but I guess I was having too much fun.
My goal for the following week is to get this unit of study done without letting it stress me or get in the way of my 1 hour a night with my children. This week I was making printables to organise my life and that includes Monthly, Weekly and Daily planners. Hopefully, using those, I will be able to manage my time a bit better.
You should never let something that needs doing become more important than someone that needs loving.
Wish me luck lovelies.
*Name is a pseudonyms
pottie training the kids have their days when its a good or a bad day. He will get there, and soon be in undies all the time. :) x