Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Give me a thanks giving

So as pretty much everyone knows, we don't celebrate Thanks Giving here in Australia. Well I say no fair! Seriously, no fair! I want Thanks Giving! 

See, here's how I see it.. Easter and Christmas are fun, but what are they teaching our children? That once a year they get to pig out on chocolate and once a year they get a huge pile of presents, whether they behave or not? Because lets face it, no matter how many times we sing about the naughty and nice list, no matter how many times we remind our children that they have to be good to receive that huge pile of presents, none of us are actually mean enough to deprive our children of the joy of unwrapping a million presents on Christmas morning, no matter how much they misbehave during the year.

Are we?

And we can try all we want to teach our children about the joy of giving but lets be honest, no matter how many do-good activities we involve our children in, they really are just hanging out for Christmas morning for purely selfish reasons. And really, who wouldn't be hanging out for Christmas once they realize that that massive present with the gold wrapping and pretty ribbon have their name on it. Seriously!?

So anyway, this is exactly the reason I want Thanks Giving! Because Thanks Giving isn't about what we receive (or the waaaaay too much money we accidentally spend), it's about saying thanks and appreciating all that we have. And I think it's oh so important that our children learn to appreciate not just their material possessions but their family and friends too. 

Maybe we will have to start celebrating the holiday from down here in Aus!

Yours in this crazy world of parenting,

Sami :-)

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