Friday, 28 February 2014

How To: love your kids

Have movie nights. Let them be loud. Kiss them often. Play hard. Say yes as often as possible. Stay up late. Get muddy together. Have PJ days. Stop yelling. Teach them it's okay to cry. Say "I love you" every day. Do crafts with them. Remember your childhood. Sing songs really loud. Build forts with bed sheets. Pass on the importance of a good book. Surprise them with excursions. Replace anger with 'The Tickle Monster. Have water fights at bath time. Play dress-ups. Make mud pies. Let them choose dinner. Invite them for morning cuddles. Show them how to express their feelings. Share a plate of fruit. Kiss them while they sleep. Ask them how their day was. Teach them to be honest, kind and respectful. Tell them how special they are, just being themselves. Tell them you love them, even when they misbehave. Make sure they know that you are always there. And never forget how important fun is.


  1. I am in awe of your parenting ability, how you explain all the best things to help other parents, they may not find it easy to do or say.
