I finally sat down to get working on my website today, seven hours later and I am just so over it! Because of course nothing is going right. And after 7 hours sitting at the table working on it my back is drilling. It's a good thing that I don't quit easily, because I wouldn't mind quitting right now.
Ah well tomorrow is a new day! Thankfully. Then that lovely weekend will be making an appearance again! Yay!
On the up side, Bay had a wonderful second day of toilet training. He had an accident this morning just after breakfast, then he went to daycare and at some point in the morning he had another accident and then that was it for the day, he spent the rest of it using the toilet like a pro! So so proud! I guess I picked the perfect time to get started! Wont be long now until nappies are a thing of the past! Now that is good news!
Logan went back to work last night after two weeks off and I was surprised at how well I just fell back into routine. I've gotta say, being at home alone at night certainly is a lot easier than it used to be.
I know this isn't much of a post but I'm having so much trouble thinking and I'm yawning so often (I'm talking every like, 30 seconds) that I can hardly see what I'm doing.
It's tiring work being a studying mum, or, I should just say, a Mum.
Yours in this crazy world of parenting,
Sami :-)
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